Your participation in the Knight Alzheimer’s Primary Prevention Challenge will support the first-ever primary prevention trial for Alzheimer’s and help Washington University lead the fight against this devastating disease.
Clinical trials are essential tools that will help us learn how to prevent Alzheimer’s disease or delay its age of onset. Your support for the Knight Family DIAN-TU Challenge will help researchers gain critical insight into the causes of Alzheimer’s disease and develop better methods of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
Make your gift of support today.
About the Challenge
The Knight Alzheimers Primary Prevention Challenge is a matching-gift opportunity that doubles the impact of contributions to support the DIAN-TU primary prevention clinical trial.
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What is DIAN-TU?
The Knight Family DIAN-TU has taken a leading role in the research of Alzheimer’s-associated brain changes that begin a decade or more before symptoms appear.
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DIAN-TU Leadership
Meet the internationally recognized scientists and physicians who lead the clinical research arm of the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. (Learn more …)
Did you know?
Alzheimer’s disease is the only major cause of death in the U.S. for which there is no prevention or effective treatment.